한국 노인의 식사내용이 골격밀도에 미치는 영향에 관한 조사연구

A Study on the Influence of the Dietary Intake upon Bone Mineral Density in Korean Aged

  • 한성숙 (이화여자대학교 식품영양학과)
  • 발행 : 1988.10.01


The purpose of the present study was to investigate the relationship between nutrient status, and bone mineral state which influenced by aging process. The subjects were 196 people over 65 years old(male 72, female124). The present dietary intake was estimated by the 24-hr, recall method, and individual dietary history concerning consumption of meat, fish and dairy products was obtained by questionaires. The syndrome of senility including seniliy was evaluated according to "Cornell Medical Index". The five subjects who showed 'Good' grade in bone senility, and five subjects who showed 'Risk' and 'Danger' grade were selected and their spine and femur bone density was measured by "Dual Photon Absorptiometry". The bone density measurement showed that the subjects with 'Good' grade in bone senility had bone density above that of normal person, and their nutrient status were satisfactory, whereas the subjects with 'Risk' and 'Danger' grade in bone senility had severe osteoporotic pattern, and their nutrient status were very poor. The food consumption score showed that the subject with higher intake of meat rather than milk had good grade in bone senility (p<0.05). Therefore, past meats consumption can be considered to be a significant factor in the present bone status. The nutrient intakes appeared to be significant factors in bone status in male, whereas there was little effect of nutrients intakes in female. Therefore, the risk of osteoporosis can increase as syndrome of bone senility and nutrient intakes were worse, and its is possible to evaluate bone status and predict osteoporosis simply from informations concerning syndrome of bone senility and nutrient intakes in old population over 65.
