조간대 감습지 수로지역의 저생조류의 종조성 및 일차생산

Species Composition and Primary Production of the Benthic Algal Assemblage along a Channel in Salt Marsh, Kyonggi Bay, Korea

  • Cho, Kyung Je (Dept. of Biology, Inje College) ;
  • Joon Ho Kim (Dept. of Biology, Inje College and Dept. of Botany, Seoul Natl. Univ.)
  • 발행 : 1988.02.01


Studies on species compostion, promary production of benthic algal assemblage were carried out along a channel of the salt marsh near Inch'on, Kyonggi Bay, Korea. Possible biological, physical and KDICical factors controlling the aglal assemblage were also examined. The oveall diatoms were encountered one hundred and thirty-seven taxa, of which the dominant species were Paralia sulcata and Cymatosira belgica. These two species accounted for 32.6% relative abundance throughout the study period. Diatom taxa had no clear seasonal pattern in abundance analysis. But at the algal blooming period in spring, euglenoids occurred with a high abundance. The chlorophyll a content of benthic algae showed definite seasonal pattern. The algal biomass of the appeared to influence the spatial fluctuation in the algal biomass of the channel was regulated primarily by water content of sediment. Grazing by zoobenthos apperaed to influence the spatial fluctuation in the algal biomass of the sediment surface. The algal photosynthesis was measured in the laboratory with oxygen method. Photo-synthetic rate was independent of the temperature under the lower irradiance. The gross production from March to November was estimated to be 190g C/m2 at the channel slope. Photosynthetic efficiency was 0.37% on the basis of the photosyntherically active radiation for the study period.
