Rana nigromaculate와 Rana plancyi 2종의 자연잡종 및 생식적 격리기작에 관하여

Natural Kybricization and Reproductive Isolating Mechanisms between Two Species of Rana nigmmaculata and Rana plancyi (Anura)

  • 발행 : 1988.01.01


자매종 R.nigromaculate(참개구리)와 R. plancyi(금개구리)간의 생식적 격리기작을 구명하기 위하여 전라남도 광주시에서 발견된 자연집중 1개체를 포함한 두 종의 형태, 유전적 변이 및 번식시기 등을 조사한 분석한 결과는 다음과 같다. 두 종은 형태,유전,mating call 및 번식시기 등에 뚜렷한 차이가 있었고, 약 350만년 전에 남방계인 R. plancyi에서 R.nigromaculate가 분화되었을 것으로 추정되었다. 잡종 1개체는 전기영동 결과 일대잡종으로 확인되었으며 포란한 정상 난소를 갖고 있는 점으로 미루어 보아 생식이 간으하다고 여기지며, 따라서 postmating isolating mechanism은 불완전하게 생성되었다고 추측된다.

A syrnpatnc sample of Rana nigrnmaculata sand R plancyi (Anura) from Kwangu, Korea was investigated to clarify their taxonornic status and to estimate the degree of genic variation, genetic relatedness, and reproductive isolation between them, based on electrophoretic analysis, marphometric data, mating call, mating season, and habitat. All the characters measured including morphometric, genetic, behavioral, and ecological suggest that they are distinct species and R nigrnmaculata might have originated from R plancyi (tropical form about three and a half million years ago. An adult female was found to be Fl hybrid between two species The hybrid female possessed fettile eggs and morphologically intermediate to the parental species in head parts, hind limb, and web characters. The differences in mating call, mating behavior, breeding season, and habitat strongly suggest that postmating isolating mechanism is operating, even though very rare hybrid is found.
