튜브지지대 인자가 열교환기 튜브의 감쇠에 미치는 영향

Effects of tube-support parameters on damping of heat exchanger tubes in liquids

  • 김범식 (한국에너지연구소 발전로기계설계실)
  • 발행 : 1988.09.01


본 연구에서는 상하운동 또는 좌우흔들림운동하에서의 튜브진동에 대한 실험 을 통하여 튜브지지대 인자의 영향을 고찰하고자 하였다.실험은 양단이 고정된 튜 브의 중앙에 지지대가 있는 두마디 튜브의 실험장치에서 수행되었다. 실험시 고찰된 인자들은 튜브편심율, 튜브지지대 두께, 튜브와 튜브지지대간의 간격, 튜브지지대의 위치, 튜브주파수, 선형도, 그리고 튜브거동 형태(nature of the dynamic interaction )등이다.

Damping information is required to analyse heat exchangers for flow-induced vibration. The most important energy dissipation mechanisms in heat exchanger tubes are related to the dynamic interaction between tube and support. In liquids, squeeze-film damping is dominat. Simple experiments were carried out of a two-span tube with one intermediate support to investigate the effects of tube-support parameters, such as: tube-support thickness, diametral clearance, tube eccentricity, tube span length, location of tube-support, and nature of dynamic interaction between tube and tube-support. The results show that squeeze-film damping is much larger for lateral-type motion than for rocking-type motion at the support. Eccentricity was found to be very important. Diametral clearance, support thickness and frequency are also very relevant. The effects of these parameters on squeeze-film damping are formulated and proposed in a semi-empirical expression.
