Median Control Chart for Nonnormally Distributed Processes

비정규분포공정에서 매디안특수관리도의 모형설계와 적용연구

  • Published : 1987.09.01


Statistical control charts are useful tools to monitor and control the manufacturing processes and are widely used in most Korean industries. Many Korean companies, however, do not always obtain desired results from the traditional control charts by Shewhart such as the X-chart, X-chart, X-chart, etc. This is partly because the quality charterstics of the process are not distributed normally but are skewed due to the intermittent production, small lot size, etc. In Shewhart X-chart, which is the most widely used one in Korea, such skewed distributions make the plots to be inclined below or above the central line or outside the control limits although no assignable causes can be found. To overcome such shortcomings in nonnormally distributed processes, a distribution-free type of confidence interval can be used, which should be based on order statistics. This thesis is concerned with the design of control chart based on a sample median which is easy to use in practical situation and therefore properties for nonnormal distributions may be easily analyzed. Control limits and central lines are given for tile more famous nonnormal distributions, such as Gamma, Beta, Lognormal, Weibull, Pareto, Truncated-normal distributions. Robustness of the proposed median control chart is compared with that of the X-chart, the former tends to be superior to the latter as the probability distribution of the process becomes more skewed. The average run length to detect the assignable cause is also compared when the process has a Normal or a Gamma distribution for which the properties of X are easy to verify, the proposed chart is slightly worse than the X-chart for the normally distributed product but much better for Gamma-distributed products. Average Run Lengths of the other distributions are also computed. To use the proposed control chart, the probability distribution of the process should be known or estimated. If it is not possible, the results of comparison of the robustness force us to use the proposed median control chart based on a normal distribution. To estimate the distribution of the process, Sturge's formula is used to graph the histogram and the method of probability plotting, $X^2$-goodness of fit test and Kolmogorov-Smirnov test, are discussed with real case examples. A comparison of the propose4 median chart and the X chart was also performed with these examples and the median chart turned out to be superior to the X-chart.
