페르시아 직물문양과 비잔틴 직물문양의 조형성 비교

Comparison between the Persian textile design and the Byzantine textile design in their patterns

  • 김영옥 (장안실업전문대학 의상과)
  • 발행 : 1987.12.01


The purpose of this study was to compare with the Persian texile design having an out-standing skill in fertile designs with the Byzantine textile dosing being influenced a lot by Christinity and many Oriental factors including Hellenism. These two textile design have some similarities and differences in their patterns. The results of the study were as follows: Similarities ; 1. The Persian traditional animals, hunting scenes and cavaliers are used as the major subject in both patterns. 2. Decorative designs enclosed circular are used in both patterns. Differences ; 1. The Persian textile designs are based on Zoroasterianism, and their animal designs have the Zoroasterian religious meanings. While the Byzantine designs are affected by the Christianity. In the Byantine textile designs, the mythical subjects from ancient Rome and Greece, and the circus scenes are dominent. 3. The Persian textile designs are combative, momentary, dignifed, and realistic pattern, while the Byzantin textile designs are playful, sketchy, humouristic, and evasive pattern. 4. Vivid color effect was found in the Persian textile patterns: however, more refined and gorgeous color was used by the Byzantine textile patterns. Thus, the Persian and the Byzantine textile patterns have interrelations with each other. In general, the Persian textile patterns have affected a great deal on the Byzantine textine textile patterns. They are essentially corelated with each other, but each of them has its own characteristics.
