Common Fixed Point Theorems of Commuting Mappinggs

  • Published : 1987.12.01


In this paper, we give several fixed point theorems in a complete metric space for two multi-valued mappings commuting with two single-valued mappings. In fact, our main theorems show the existence of solutions of functional equations f($\chi$)=g($\chi$)$\in$S$\chi$∩T$\chi$ and $\chi$=f($\chi$)=g($\chi$)$\in$S$\chi$∩T$\chi$ under certain conditions. We also answer an open question proposed by Rhoades-Singh-Kulsherestha. Throughout this paper, let (X, d) be a complete metric space. We shall follow the following notations : CL(X) = {A; A is a nonempty closed subset of X}, CB(X)={A; A is a nonempty closed and founded subset of X}, C(X)={A; A is a nonempty compact subset of X}, For each A, B$\in$CL(X) and $\varepsilon$>0, N($\varepsilon$, A) = {$\chi$$\in$X; d($\chi$, ${\alpha}$) < $\varepsilon$ for some ${\alpha}$$\in$A}, E$\sub$A, B/={$\varepsilon$ > 0; A⊂N($\varepsilon$ B) and B⊂N($\varepsilon$, A)}, and (equation omitted). Then H is called the generalized Hausdorff distance function fot CL(X) induced by a metric d and H defined CB(X) is said to be the Hausdorff metric induced by d. D($\chi$, A) will denote the ordinary distance between $\chi$$\in$X and a nonempty subset A of X. Let R$\^$+/ and II$\^$+/ denote the sets of nonnegative real numbers and positive integers, respectively, and G the family of functions ${\Phi}$ from (R$\^$+/)$\^$s/ into R$\^$+/ satisfying the following conditions: (1) ${\Phi}$ is nondecreasing and upper semicontinuous in each coordinate variable, and (2) for each t>0, $\psi$(t)=max{$\psi$(t, 0, 0, t, t), ${\Phi}$(t, t, t, 2t, 0), ${\Phi}$(0, t, 0, 0, t)} $\psi$: R$\^$+/ \longrightarrow R$\^$+/ is a nondecreasing upper semicontinuous function from the right. Before sating and proving our main theorems, we give the following lemmas:
