취반과정중 조리수가 우유일 때 이화학적 특성과 in vitro 소화도

Changes of physicochemical characteristics of various rice cooking by using milk and in vitro digestibility

  • 김경자 (동아대학교 식품영양학과)
  • 발행 : 1987.12.01


The changes of various cooking experiment (gelatinization, swelling, texture, water absorbance) and amino acid, fatty acid composition and the effect of digestibility on glucose examination (in vitro) were investigated at various rice during cooking by using milk. The results are summarized as follows. 1) In the effect of various water-to-rice ratios on the degree of absorbance of rice, Rice (using water) always showed higher absorbance than rice. (using milk) optimum water absorbance time were shown to be 40 minute for rice (using water) and 50 minute for rice (using milk). 2) The degree of gelatinization (D.G) by iodine colorimetric method increased proportionally according to the increase of water-to-rice ratio and rice cooking always showed higher D.G than rice milk cooking. When the same D.G rice milk cooking food required 40~50% higher water-to-rice ratios than rice cooking food. 3) Various rice cooking food, the palatability were best food by rice bean milk cooking food. 4) The main Amino acid composition of using milk rice cooked food were Glutenine, Leusine, Asparagine, Valine, Arginin above 42% of the Total Amino acid. The contents of Lysine and Methionine were 476.50mg, 412.16mg in using Milk rice cooking food. 5) Using rice Milk cooking food ana Rice bean Milk cooking food, rice cooking, rice bean cooking in phosphate Buffer, in vitro Enzymatic glucose were carried out in dialysis bag. During 90 minute of incubation at $37^{\circ}C$, reducing sugar were analyzed from dialysate. Starch digestibility measured from human Saliva, Sali a, Pencreatic Amylase treatment was high in Rice Milk cooking food, Rice bean Milk cooking food and rice cooking food and rice bean cooking food but remarkely low.
