경사방향이 목초의 수량 및 양분함량에 미치는 영향 I. 주요목초에 대한 남북향 사면의 건물수량 비교

Influences of Exposures on Dry Matter Yields and Nutrient Contents of Grasses I. Comparative studies of south and north exposure on dry matter yield of temperate grasses

  • 발행 : 1987.05.01


남북향 사면에 대한 목장의 생산성을 구명코자 orchardgrass, tall fescue, timothy, redtop, ladino clover 등 5 초종을 남사면과 북사면에 각각 난괴법 4반복으로 보양배치하여 1983년 9월부터 1986년 10월까지 본 실험을 실시하였던바 그 결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 1. 생육기 동안의 3년 평균 지표온도는 남사면이 북사면보다 2.0^{\circ}C$ 높았으며, 토양 10cm 깊이의 지중온도는 남향지가 북향지보다 0.8^{\circ}C$ 높았으나 이절에 따라서는 서로 대차없었다. 2. 토양 목장의 초기생육 상태는 북사면이 남사면보다 준수하였다. 3. 화본과 목장의 건물생산량은 남향지보다 북향지가 많았으나 이에 반하여 ladino clover는 남사면이 월등히 많았다. 4. 화본과 목장중에서 orchardgrass와 tall fescue의 건물수량은 북사면이 남사면보다 다소 많았으나 대차없었으며, timothy와 red top은 북사면에서 현저히 많은 수량을 생산하였다.

To find out the productivity of temperate grasses on the south and north slope, a field experiment was conducted with five forage species of Cactylis glomerata, Festuca arundinacea, Phleum pratense, Agrostis gigantea and Trifolium repens. It was treated by randomized block design with 4 replications and lasted from September, 1983 to October, 1986 in Suweon. The results obtained are summarized as follows: 1. During the vegetative period for three years, the mean surface temperature and soil temperature at a depth of lOcm on the south exposure were 2.0^{\circ}C$ and 0.8^{\circ}C$ respectively higher than that of north slope, but the soil temperature between exposures were practically not different in the mid-summer season. 2. Early growth and development of forage species on the north exposure were better than that of species on the south slope. 3. Average DM yield of grasses on the north slope was much more increased than that of species on the south, however, Trifolium repens was more positive in the south. 4. Otherwise average DM yield of Dactylis glomerata and Festuca arundinacea on the north slope was a little more increased, that of Phleum pratense and Agrostis gigantea was much more increased than that of same forage species on the south.
