월동전후 초지관리에 관한 연구 I. 최종예취시기와 예취높이가 목초의 월동 , 재생 및 이른봄 수량에 미치는 영향

Efect of final cutting time and cutting height on the winter survival, regrowth and early spring yield of orchardgrass ( Dactylis Glomerate L. ) dominated pasture.

  • 발행 : 1987.01.01


This experiment was carried out to investigate the effects of the final cutting time and cutting height on the winter survival, regrowth, and carbohydrate reserves in stubble, and early spring yield of orchardgrass-dominated pasture before and after the winter season. The experiment was conducted at the experimental field of the Livestock Experiment Station, in Suwon, from October 1985 to early 1986. The results obtained are summarized as follows: 1. Regrowth of plant after the final cut increased significantly (P<0.05) with plot of the early cutting time (Oct. 10) and high cutting height at the final. For winter survival, cut plant should regrow over 15cm in plant height. Therefore limit cutting time and cutting height were forced to be on Oct. 25 and at 6-9cm, respectively. 2. Total water soluble carbohydrate (TSC) content in stubble after the final cut was not significantly changed by different cutting time and cutting height. 3. The percentage of dead plant after wintering was found to be high with plot of the late cutting time and low cutting height at the final cut (P<0.05). And the correlation between the percentage of dead plant after wintering and final plant height before wintering was significantly negathe (r = -0.728**). 4. Fresh and DM yield at the early spring after wintering were increased in the plot of the early cutting time and high cutting height (P<0.05) at the final cut. And significantly positive correlation was observed between the early spring yield and final plant height before wintering (r = 0.720**).
