- Volume 22 Issue 4
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- Pages.271-278
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- 1987
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- 1225-1283(pISSN)
Studies on the Toxic Substsnce of Mussel Mytilus Sp.
담치類의 有毒成分에 관한 硏究
Attempts were made to elucidate the responsible toxin in mussel Mytilus sp. which caused a food pisoning incident in March 1986 in Pusan, Korea. Two persons were dead and 15 persons intoxicated in the incident. The mid-gut glands of the mussel collected were extracted with dichlorlmethane, filtered through a Diaflo ulteafiltration membrane, and then purified by chromatography on Bio-Gel P-2 and Bio-Rex 70. The toxic fractions obtained were analysed by electrophoresis, TLC and ion-pairing reversed phase HPLC analyses. The results showed that the fractions contained GTW
1986年 3月 釜山近郊의 廢船處理場에서 發生한 담치類 Mytilys sp. 에 의한 食中毒의 原因을 밝히기 위해 이 貝類의 毒成分에 관하여 調査하였다. 毒成分은 中腸腺을 酸流出하여, 限外濾過 및 各種 칼럼크로마 토그라피法으로 精製하여, TLC, 電氣泳動 및 HPLC로 分析하였는데, 그 結果 담치毒은 GT