한국 고유식물의 종속지 Ⅶ. 작살나무속식물의 분류와 종간유속관계

Monographic Study of the Endemic Plants in Korea Ⅶ. Taxonomy and Interspecific Relationships of the genus Callicarpa

  • 정영호 (서울대학교 대학원 식물학과)
  • 발행 : 1987.06.01


Taxa of genus Callicarpa in Korea were described taxonomically and studied interspecific relationships, based on the leaf length, leaf width, peduncle length, fruit width and geograhic distribution. Among 12 taxa reported previously in Korea, 3 forms of C. japonica were unifed to original species, C. japonica var. glabra was reserved, Whereas C. shirasawana was not distributed in Korea. As a result, 7 taxa belonging to 3 species, 4 varieties of genus Callicarpa remained. C. japonica complex is considered to be more advanced among the species compared with the bract shapes.
