An Application of Ordination to semi-Natural Pine (Pinus densiflora) Stands nearby Seoul Area

서울근교 자연생 소나무림에 대한 Ordination 방법의 적용

  • Cho, Yoon Shin (Dept. of Biology, College of Science and Engineering, Sogang University) ;
  • Kye Chil Oh (Dept. of Biology, College of Science and Engineering, Sogang University)
  • Published : 1987.04.01


Detrended correspondence analysis(DCA) and two way indicator species analysis(TWINSPAN) were applied to Pinus densiflora stands nearby Seoul area in order to classify them into several groups based on herbaceous species and environmental relationships. The eighteen Pinus densiflora stands were perferenially selected, In each stand, 30 to 60 quadrats, (20X20)cm, were randomly estabilished. In each quadrat, all stems for herbaceous plants were recorded by species and their covers were measured. In addition environmental factors such as soil depth, thickness of litter layer, soil compressibility, tree density, basal area, elevation, slope and exposure were detemined for each stand. Four to twelve soil cores were collected and physical and KDICical properties were determined. This survey was conducted form 15, July, 1985 to 22, September, 1985. Analysis of the vegetation and environmental data were performed with DECORANA and TWINSPAN. Stand ordination (DECORANA) and classification (TWINSPAN) based on herbaceous species suggest that the stands can be classified into five groups in terms of herbaceous species composition and environmental relationships. Type I, Type II, Type III, Type IV and Type V were classified to SUBMESIC-CLO-SED-CANOPY (Artemisia keiskeana, Carex nanella), MESIC-CLOSED CANOPY (Spodiopogon sibiricus, Miscanthus sinensis, Carex nanella, Pteridum aquilinum, Melampyrum rosium), SUBMESIC-OPEN CANOPY (Carex nanella, Spodiopogon sibiricus, Miscanthus sinensis), XERIC-CLOSED CANOPY (Carex nanella, Spodiopogon sibiricus, Carex nanella), and XERIC-OPEN CANOPY (Arundinella hirts, Spodiopogon sibiricus, Carex nanella), respectively. These results were consitent with environmental trends on stan ordination. Application of the ordination and classifiaction to Pinus densiflora stands were effective as a approach on obtaining perliminary ecological information.
