농업용 저수지의 다목적 이용을 위한 용수의 적정배분

Optimized Allocation of Water for the Multi-Purpose Use in Agricultural Reservoirs

  • 발행 : 1987.09.01


The purpose of this paper is to examine some difficulties in water management of agricultural reservoirs in Korea, for there are approximately more than 15,000 reservoirs which are now being utilized for the purpose of irrigation, along with the much amount of expenses and labors to be invested against droughts and floods periodically occurred. Recently, the effective use of water resources in the agricultural reservoirs with a single purpose, is becomming multiple according to the alterable environment of water use. Therefore, the task to allocate agricultural water rationally and economically must be solved for the multiple use of agricultural reservoirs. On the basis of the above statement, this study aims at suggesting the rational method of water management by introducing an optimal technique to allocate the water in an existing agricultural reservoir rationally, for the sake of maximizing the economic effect. To achieve this objective, a reservoir, called "0-Bongje" as a sample of the case study, is selected for an agricultural water development proiect of medium scale. As a model for the optimum allocation of water in the multi-purpose use of reservoirs a linear programming model is developed and analyzed. As a result, findings of the study are as follows : First, a linear programing model is developed for the optimum allocation of water in the multi-purpose use of agricultural reservoirs. By adopting the model in the case of reservoir called "O-Bongje," the optimum solution for such various objects as irrigation area, the amount of domestic water supply, the size of power generation, and the size of reservoir storage, etc., can be obtained. Second, by comparing the net benefits in each object under the changing condition of inflow into the reservoir, the factors which can most affect the yearly total net benefit can be drawn, and they are in the order of the amount of domestic water supply, irrigation area, and power generation. Third, the sensitivity analysis for the decision variable of irrigation which may have a first priority among the objects indicate that the effective method of water management can be rapidly suggested in accordance with a condition under the decreasing area of irrigation. Fourth, in the case of decision making on the water allocation policy in an existing multi-purpose reservoir, the rapid comparison of numerous alternatives can be possible by adopting the linear programming model. Besides, as the resources can be analyed in connection with various activities, it can be concluded that the linear programing model developed in this study is more quantitative than the traditional methods of analysis. Fifth, all the possible constraint equations, in using a linear programming model for adopting a water allocation problem in the agricultural reservoirs, are presented, and the method of analysis is also suggested in this study. Finally, as the linear programming model in this study is found comprehensive, the model can be adopted in any different kind of conditions of agricultural reservoirs for the purpose of analyzing optimum water allocation, if the economic and technical coefficients are known, and the decision variable is changed in accordance with the changing condition of irrigation area.
