만성 교약성 심낭염의 외과적 치료

Surgical Treatment of Chronic Constrictive Pericarditis


Records of 15 patients who underwent operation for constrictive pericarditis at this department from 1976 through 1984 were reviewed. All had hemodynamically significant pericardial constriction preoperatively, and pericardial disease was confirmed at operation. There were 12 males and 3 females in this series. Range of age varied from 7 years to 51 years. Clinical and histological study revealed granulomatous pericarditis compatible with the diagnosis of tuberculosis in 5 patients, non-specific chronic inflammatory changes in 6 patients and pyogenic pericarditis in 2 patients. Pericardiectomy was performed through a median sternotomy [11 cases] or bilateral anterior thoracotomy [4 cases]. The postoperative complications were observed in 4 patients. Low cardiac output was the most common complication [2 patients]. In 13 cases, excluding 2 operative deaths, preoperatively all were in New York Heart Association Class III or IV. At the time of discharge II [85%] were in Class I or II. 4 Cases were reoperated after original pericardiostomy and all resulted in marked improvement. Early surgical intervention is advisable in all patients in whom cardiac constriction is caused by either a thickened pericardium or a pericardial effusion before myocardial dysfunction occurs.
