SWATH형 고속 연안 여객선의 설계기술에 관한 연구

A Study on the Design Technology of SWATH Ship for High Speed Coastal Passenger Vessel

  • 이규열 (한국기계연구소 대덕선박분소) ;
  • 이동곤 (한국기계연구소 대덕선박분소) ;
  • 김응섭 (현대중공업(주) 특수선사업부) ;
  • 김진구 (현대중공업(주) 특수선사업부) ;
  • 김정환 (현대중공업(주) 특수선사업부)
  • 발행 : 1987.12.01


There is at present a growing interest in the use of SWATH(Small Waterplane Area Twin Hull )ship for a variety of purposes due to their good seakeeping characteristics, small speed reduction in wave, and large deck area. Highly sophisticated design technology is requested to develop the SWATH ship. This paper describes the design technology for high speed coastal passenger SWATH ship which includes feasibility study, general arrangement and hull form design, resistance and propulsion test, motion test in regular waves, control fin design, and structural design.
