대도시 도심교통문제의 개선을 위한 가로망체계의 개편방안에 관한 연구

A study on Restructuring the Street Network for the Improvement of Traffic Problems in Metropolitan Central Area

  • 발행 : 1987.01.01


In line with the continued growth of car ownership, the traffic problems in central area of metropoles such as Seoul would become increasingly degraded. comparing with most western cities, the problems in Seoul are characterized by the improportionately high rates of intersection delay, station congestion, traffic accidents caused by weaving conflicts and pedestrian congestion. It is caused by the lack of flexibility I street network, which is prerequisite for upholding the efficacy of traffic management and control, resulted from the simplicity of network graph in terms of connectivity, street density and distribution by width. This pattern has been resulted from the prolonged policy pursuing the street-widening of the nagging bottleneck in such a short period since the 1950s, comparing that most western cities had undergone over several centuries an age of horse-and-vehicle transportation. In order to improve the expected traffic problems in central area over the coming periods of motorization, it is imperative to restructure the street network in Central Seoul so that the efficacy of traffic management and control may be operative. Based upon the long-range planning the street network should be restructured by stages so that cenral traffic may be controled by one-way operation and most through-traffic be detoured around fringe area.
