Acephate, Demeton-S-methyl 저항성계통(抵抗性系統) 복숭아혹진딧물에 대(對)한 살충제간(殺蟲劑間)의 연합독작용(連合毒作用)

Synergistic Action of Insecticide Mixtures to the Green Peach Aphid(Myzus persicae Sulz.) Resistant to Acephate and Demeton-S-methyl

  • Choi, S.Y. (College of Agriculture, Seoul Nat'l University) ;
  • Kim, G.H. (Korea Research Institute of Chemical Technology)
  • 발행 : 1987.09.01


유기인계(有機燐系) 살충제(殺蟲劑) 도태저항성계통(淘汰抵抗性系統)(acephate, demeton-S-methyl) 복숭아혹진딧물(Myzus persicae Sul.)을 공시(供試), acephate, cypermethrin, demeton-S-methyl, pirimicarb 상호혼합(相互混合)의 연합독작용(連合毒作用)을 검토(檢討)하여 아래와 같은 결과(結果)를 얻었다. 1. acephate 도태저항성계통(淘汰抵抗性系統)에 대(對)한 acephate: demeton-S-meyl 혼합(混合)에서는 1:1 혼합비(混合比)에서 최대(最大)의 협력효과(協力效果)를 나타내었다. 2. acephate 도태저항성계통(淘汰抵抗性系統)에 대(對)한 acephate: pirimicarb의 혼합(混合)에서는 유사작용(類似作用) 내지 독립작용(獨立作用)만 관찰되었을 뿐 협력작용(協力作用)은 관찰되지 못하였다. 3. acephate 도태저항성계통(淘汰抵抗性系統)에 대(對)한 acephate: cypermethrin의 혼합(混合)에서는 혼합비(混合比)에 관계(關系)없이 모두 길항작용(拮抗作用)을 나타내었다. 4. demeton-S-methyl 도태저항성계통(淘汰抵抗性系統)에 대(對)한 demeton-S-methyl: acephate, demeton-S-methyl: pirimicarb 혼합(混合)에서는 각각(各各) 2:3, 3:2 혼합비(混合比)에서 최대(最大)의 협력효과(協力效果)를 나타내었다. 5. demeton-S-methyl 도태저항성계통(淘汰抵抗性系統)에 대(對)한 demeton-S-methyl: cypermethrin의 혼합(混合)에서는 1:1 혼합비(混合比)에서 최대(最大)의 협력효과(協力效果)를 나타내었다.

The toxicities of binary mixtures of the four insecticides acephate, demeton-S-methyl, cypermethrin and pirimicarb to the two strains of green peach aphid (Myzus persicae Sulz.) resistant to acephate and demeton-S-methyl were investigated and compared to the toxicities of their individual insecticides. The synergistic action of the insecticide mixtures to the insects were greatly varied with the kind of insecticide combinations, their mixture ratios, and the origin of resistance by an insecticide. The maximum synergistic action of acephate for the acephate resistant strain was obtained at 1:1 mixed with demeton-S-methyl. However, there were some antagonistic effects in all acephate mixtures with pirimicarb and cypermethrin. With the strain of demeton-S-methyl resistance, acephate, cypermethrin, and pirimicarb were synergized at the given mixture ratios by demeton-S-methyl. The maximum synergistic effect was observed at 2:3 with acephate, 1:1 with cypermethrin and 3:2 with pirimicarb.
