벼멸구 생태형(生態型)의 교잡종(交雜種)에 대(對)한 수도품종(水稻品種)의 저항성(抵抗性)에 관(關)하여(I)

Varietal Resistance of Rice to the BPH Biotypes 1, 2, 3 and their Hybrid Progenies, Nilaparvata lugens $St{\aa}l$ (I)

  • 김정화 (충북대학교 농과대학 농생물학과) ;
  • 윤상원 (충북대학교 농과대학 농생물학과)
  • Kim, Jeong-Wha (Department of Agricultural Biology, College of Agriculture, Chungbuk National University) ;
  • Youn, Sang-Won (Department of Agricultural Biology, College of Agriculture, Chungbuk National University)
  • 발행 : 1987.06.30


유묘(幼苗)의 저항성반응(抵抗性反應)은 추청(秋晴)벼가 생태형교잡종(生態型交雜種) 모두에 감수성(感受性)이었고, 청청(靑靑)벼는 생산형(生産型) $2(female){\times}2(male)$, 밀양63호(密陽63號)는 생태형(生態型)$3(female){\times}3(male)$에 감수성(感受性)이었다. 청청(靑靑)벼와 밀양63호(密陽63號)는 생태형(生態型)$2(female){\times}3(male)$$3(female){\times}2(male)$우에 중간성(中間性)이었다. 식이(食餌) 및 산란선호성(産卵選好性)은 추청(秋晴)벼에서 생태형(生態型) 교잡종(交雜種) 모두 높은 선호율(選好率)을 보였고, 청청(靑靑)벼에는 생태형(生態型) $2(female){\times}2(male),\;2(female){\times}3(male)\;3(female){\times}2(male)$, 밀양63호(密陽63號)에는 생태형(生態型) $3(female){\times}3(male),\;2(female){\times}3(male),\;3(female){\times}2(male)$이 높은 선호율(選好率)을 나타냈다. 모든 생태형(生態型) 교잡종(交雜種)의 섭식량(攝食量)은 추청(秋晴)벼에서 많았으며, 청청(靑靑)벼에는 생태형(生態型) $2(female){\times}2(female),\;3(female){\times}2(male)$, 밀양63호(密陽63號)에는 생태형(生態型) $3(female){\times}3(male),\;3(female)x2(male)$의 섭식량(攝食量)이 많았다.

This study was performed to evaluate the resistance of three different rice cultivars to the BPH biotypes 1, 2, 3 and their hybrid progenies, Nilaparvata lugens STAL. The rice cultivars tested were Chucheongbyeo, Cheongcheongbyeo and Milyang 63. The following characteristics of hybrid progenies were compared with these of their parents: Seedling response, Host preference, feeding amount, Esterase polymorphism of the brown rice. According to the responses of rice seedlings to the three BPH biotypes and their crosses progenies nymph, Chucheongbyeo was shown highly susceptible to their nymphs. The Cheongcheongbyeo was susceptible to the biotypes 2 and the Milyang 63 was susceptible to the biotype 3. The Cheongchengbyeo and the Milyang 63 were moderate to the biotypes 2(female)${\times}$3(male) and 3(female)${\times}$2(male). The preference in feeding and oviposition of three BPH biotypes and their hybrid progenies to Chucheongbyeo were shown higher than to another cultivars. The two preference were not only shown highly in Cheongcheongbyeo by the biotypes 2,2(female)${\times}$3(male) and 3(female)${\times}$2(male) but also in Milyang 63 by the biotypes 3,2(female)${\times}$3(male) and 3(femlae)${\times}$2(male). The feeding amount of female adult was much on three BPH biotypes and their hybrid progenies in Chucheongbyeo and on the biotypes 2 and 3(female)${\times}$2(male) in Cheongcheongbyeo, On the biotypes 3 and 3(female)${\times}$2(male) in Milyang 63 were as same as the above. The esterase bands of Est ${\alpha}-1,\;{\beta}-4,\;{\beta}-5\;and\;{\beta}-I$ were detected on brown rice of all the tested cultivars. The bands of Est ${\beta}-2\;and\;{\alpha}-I$ were detected on Cheongcheongbyeo (Bph 1 gene for resistance) and Milyang 63 (bph 2 gene for resistance). The Est ${\beta}-3\;and\;{\beta}-1$ of esterase bands were detected on Chucheongbyeo.
