부석사 조사당 벽화조사에 따른 적외선 T.V카메라 이용

On the Mural Paintings Detectedc by through the Infrared T.V.Camera at Josadang, Busuk Temple

  • 발행 : 1986.12.15


In the fields of the cultural properties, the Infrared TV camera is being initiated to use instead of the Infrared photo film fo a better means to detect the description of drawings of the paintings. Seeing from the effect of transillumination, the Infrared TV camera with its long wave of visible spectrum that makes less absorption by the pigments and with the reflection rays passing through the base of colour layers makes it able to findbase drawing and letters. The detection range of transillumination by the infrared rays depends on the kinds of pigments, lines of the base drawing and wave length of the infrared rays. In our country, it was the first time to detect by our Conservation Science Dep't of The Research Institute of Cultural Properties by means of using Infrared TV camera to determine the mural paintings on the Josadang, Busuk Temple, resulted in an epoch-making success, that we have come to know the painting technique methods, how to treat for its conservation and making replica, reproduction, etc.
