Hormonal Effect on the Callus Induction from Perennial Weeds

다년생잡초(多年生雜草)로부터 Callus 유도(誘導)와 생장조절제(生長調節劑)의 영향(影響)

  • Kim, B.C. (Dept. of Agronomy, Kyungpook National University) ;
  • Kim, K.U. (Dept. of Agronomy, Kyungpook National University)
  • 김병철 (경북대학교 농과대학 농학과) ;
  • 김길웅 (경북대학교 농과대학 농학과)
  • Published : 1986.06.30


This experiment was conducted to evaluate effect of various hormones on callus induction, and on plantlet formation on various media, and to detect of Londax [Methyl 2-[[[[[(4,6-dimethoxy pyrimidin-2-yl) amino] carbonyl] amono] sulfonyl) methyl] benzoate] and Basta[Ammonium-(3-amino-3-carboxy-propyl)-methyl phosphinate] on callus growth and reaction of succinate dehydrogenase in callus against TTC, using various species such as Eleocharis kuroguwai, Cyperus serotinus, Oryza sativa (samgangbyeo) and Echinochloa crusgalli P. Beauv. var. caudata Kitagawa. The optimal levels of 2,4-D in MS medium seems to be different among species tested, 2.0 ppm for rice and E. crusgalli, 1.0 ppm for Eleocharis kuroguwai, and 4.0 ppm for C. serotinus derived callus from shoot-tip. In case of combination of 2,4-D with BA, 1.0 plus 0.3 ppm appeared the most appropriate level to induce callus from rice and E. kuroguwai, and I.0 plus 0.1 ppm for C. serotinus and E. crusgalli. When 2,4-D treated with TIBA, 1.0 plus 0.5 ppm appeared the most appropriate rates to induce callus derived from seeds of rice, E. crusgalli, seeds of C. serotinus and E. kuroguwai, 1.0 plus 0.3 ppm for shoot-tip of C. serotinus. Positive reaction of succinate dehydrogenase against TTC was observed regardless of calli and herbicides tested, indicating that they all are alive, and these herbicides were not able to kill the calli tested within the short period of time 20 hrs treatment. Regardless of plant species used, the rate of plantlet formation from callus was very low. However, some plantlet formed from E. crusgalli at 0.8 ppm of 2,4-D plus 8.0 ppm of kinetin, and from E. kuroguwai at 1.6 ppm of 2,4-D plus 16.0 ppm of kinetin, showing effectiveness of 2,4-D with kinetin mixture treatment. No callus was induced from C. serotinus treated with Basta from $10^{-6}M$ to $10^{-3}M$. In general, rice was the least susceptible to Basta among plant species tested, followed by E. crusgalli, and E. kuroguwai. In Londax treatment, rice showed the least inhibition rate in callus growth. Callus was induced from rice even at $10^{-3}M$ of Londax. However, $10^{-3}M$ of Londax completely inhibited callus induction from the test species. Rice showed most tolerant to both herbicides, indicating the existence of different responses among plant species.

생장조절물질(生長調節物質) Callus 유도(誘導)에 미치는 영향(影響)을 구명(究明)키 위하여 식물체(植物體)의 종자(種子) 또는 Shoot-tip으로부터 Callus 유도(誘導)를 검정(檢定), 유도(誘導)된 Callus로부터 식물체분화(植物體分化), 제초제(除草劑)가 Callus 생체중량증가(生體重量增加)에 미치는 영향(影響) 및 Succinate dehydrogenase의 TTC 반응검정(反應檢定)을 하여 얻어진 결과(結果)는 다음과 같다. 1. MS 기본배지(基本培地)에 2,4-D 함량(含量)은 올방개와 너도방동산이의 종자(種子)는 1.0ppm, 너도방동산이의 shoot-tip은 4.0pm, 삼강벼와 물피에서는 2ppm이 Callus 유도(誘導)를 위한 과정농도(過定濃度)였다. 2. MS기본배지(基本培地)에다 2,4-D와 BA와 TIBA를 첨가시(添加時) BA는 2,4-D 단독처리(單獨處理)보다 억제적(抑制的)이나 TIBA 처리(處理)는 0.3 또는 0.5ppm 첨가구(添加區)가 2,4-D 단독처리구(單獨處理區)보다 효과적(效果的)이었다. 삼강벼, 물피, 너도방동산이 종자(種子) 및 올방개 shoot-tip에서는 2,4-D 1.0ppm+TIBA 0.5ppm, 너도방동산이 shoot-tip에서는 2,4-D 1.0ppm+TIBA 0.3ppm 일 때가 가장 높았다. 3. Callus로부터 식물체분화율(植物體分化率)은 2,4-D에 Kinetin 첨가구(添加區)가 NAA에 Kinetin 첨가구(添加區)보다 효과적(效果的)이었고 물피는 2,4-D 0.8ppm+Kinetin 8.0 ppm에서 50%, 올방개는 2,4-D 1.6ppm+Kinetin 16.0ppm에서 33.3%가 분화(分化)가 되었으나 너도방동산이는 분화(分化)가 되지 않았다. 4. 제초제(除草劑) Londax 및 Basta는 농도(濃度)가 증가(增加)될수록 삼강벼, 물피, 올방개 및 너도방동산이의 Callus 유도(誘導) 또는 증식(增殖)을 억제(抑制)시켰고 $10^{-3}$M에서는 거의 100%가 억제(抑制)되었으나 저농도(低濃度)에서는 식물체간(植物體間)에 상이(相異)한 반응(反應)을 보였으며 양제초제(兩除草劑])에서 삼강벼가 물피나 너도방동산이보다 내성(耐性)을 보였다. 5. TTC에 대(對)한 Succinate dehydrogenase의 반응(反應)은 공시식물(供試植物)의 전(全) Callus가 모든 처리구(處理區)에서 정반응(正反應)(+)을 보여서 Callus가 생존(生存)해 있음을 알 수 있었다.
