Current Status of Contraception

  • Park, Ki-Hyun (Department of Obstetrics & Gynecology, Yonsei University College of Medicine)
  • 발행 : 1986.12.30


During the past decade great advance has been made in contraceptive technology. The development and subsequent modification of oral steroid contraceptive together with the improved design of other contraceptives have tremendously altered the contraceptive practise of complete throughout the world. At the present time one of most complex issue is the population explosion. In Korea the population growth rate is remarkably decreased from 3% in 1960s to 1.7% in 1984. Increasing proportion of women practising family planning and improved contraceptive methods have contributed on remarkable reduction of fertility rate. But still about half of married women not involved in family planning practise. One of the reasons why that so many women haven't participated in family planning should be undesirable side effects or inconvenience of currently available contraceptives. So we need more research to develop newer, safer and more effective contraceptive to solve the problems. According to recent report on the family planning program achievement in Korea, sterilization (male and female) is most popular, leading contraceptive method (330 cases/1000 fertile persons) and the I.U.D. (167.5/1000), condom (132.9/1000) and oral pill (61.1/1000) were followed by in the order of favorite choice of contraceptive (KIPH, Family planning evaluation report, 1984; KIPH Family plan Service Statistics, 1981-1984). In present paper the present status and knowledge of contraceptives will be summarized.
