대구여성과 농촌여성의 패션리더쉽에 대한 비교 연구

Fashion Leadership as Related to Attitudes Toward Change and Socioeconomic Level among Adolescence Woman -Comparision of the Dae Gu Urban and Rural Fashion Leaders-

  • 노경미 (숙명여자대학교 가정대학 대학원) ;
  • 김민자 (덕성여자대학 의상학과)
  • Noh Kyung Mi (Dept. of Clothing and Textiles, The Graduate School of Sookmyung Women's University) ;
  • Kim Minja (Duksung Women's College, Dept. of Fashion Design)
  • 발행 : 1986.04.01


The purpose of this study was to identify the characteristics of fashion leaders in relation to attitude toward change and socioeconomic level among Dae Gu woman as well as among rural women living on the suburbs of Dae Gu: and to compare the characteristics of these urban women in a mass society with the rural women living in a traditional society. Measures selected for this study consisted of the Schrank Fashion Opinion Leadership Inventory(1973), the Schrank ana Sugawara Attitudes Toward Change Inventory(1977), and socioeconomic level. The fashion Innovation Inventory was developed by author which consisted of a list of clothing and accessory items selected after surveys to local stores, campus, and main streets, and study of fashion magazines for the current seasons. The data from 280 respondents were analyzed by Pearson corrleation coefficients, analysis of variance, and t-test. The results were as followers : 1) A significant relationship was found between fashion leadership and socioeconomic level for both urban and rural women. High attitude toward change was significantly related to high fashion innovativeness and high fashion opinion leadership among the urban groups. re significant relationship was found between fashion opinion leadership and attitude toward change among the rural sample. 2) A significant difference was found in attitude toward change scores of four urban sub-sample groups : fashion innovators, fashion opinion leaders, fashion innovative communicators(who exhibit high scores on both fashion innovativeness and fashion opinion leader-ship), and non-fashion innovative communicators. No significant difference was found in attitude toward change scores of four rural sub-sample groups. No significant differences were found in socioeconomic level of four sub-sample groups for both urban and rural women.
