연구개발을 지원하는 정보 선별 전략 : 정보분석센터개념의 현실적 적용

A Strategy for selectivity in research and development information: practical applications of the information analysis center concept

  • 구자영 (이화여자대학교 도서관학과)
  • 발행 : 1986.12.01


The present study aims at figuring out the potential benefits occured from the practical pplications of the information analysis center concept in Korea. The R&D requirements in Korea at the moment is such that the highly specialized and sophisticated information services are essential. With the general information infrastructure still embryonic the best possible answer is sought in a specialized tried-out method, namely, the information analysis center which is to be planned and serviced as an integral part of a specific research project. The article examines the information exchange activities of scientists; the backgrounds of the development of the information analysis center concept into 'a technical institute'; the processess of information analyses and evaluations; the effects and values of an analysis center; and the applicabilities of the information analysis center concept with a special regard to the developing country's needs. The conclusion confirms of the potential benefits of the information analysis center type facilities for the current needs of the Korean research and development environments.
