The Journal of the Korean Society for Microbiology (대한미생물학회지)
- Volume 21 Issue 2
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- Pages.205-210
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- 1986
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- 0253-3162(pISSN)
Serological Studies on Leptospirosis in Kangwondo Area(1985)
강원도 일부지역의 렙토스피라 감염에 관한 혈청학적 연구
Cho, Min-Kee
(Department of Microbiology, Faculty of Medicine, Hallym University) ;
- Min, Chang-Hong (Department of Microbiology, Faculty of Medicine, Hallym University) ;
Kim, Yoon-Won
(Department of Microbiology, Faculty of Medicine, Hallym University) ;
- Yoon, Chang-Soon (Department of Microbiology, Faculty of Medicine, Hallym University)
- Published : 1986.06.30
Serological investigations for the leptospirosis on hospitalized patients in Choonchun Sungsim Hospital during the periods from August to November 1985 and 841 inhabitants of Kangwondo area including Choonchun, Choonsung, Inje, Chulwon, Hwachun, Gosung, Taibaik, Samchuk and Yangju area were carried out. 1. Among 58 hospitalized patients who were suspected as leptospirosis, 10 patients were detected to have antibody against Leptospira. All of positive sera had the highest antibody titer against serogroup Icterohemorrhagiae and most positive sera were also reactive to serogroup Australis and Canicola. Antibody titer of positive sera detected by microscopic agglutination(MA) test were ranging from 1 : 40 to 1 : 2,560. Antibody titer detected by ELISA method were higher than those detected by MAT(ELISA 1 : 400