북태평양 어업의 호리존탈.매니저먼트에 관한 연구

A Study on the Horizontal Management of the Fisheries in the Northeastern Pacific

  • 이재후 (국립수산진흥원 해양자원부 원양자원과)
  • 발행 : 1986.06.01


The northeastern Pacific and eastern Bering Sea supports large and divers finfish and shellfish compelxes. The North Pacific fishing grounds are largest fish production total 30.89 percent of the world in 1983. Recent action by the around countries extending their fisheies jurisdiction to 200 mile has provided a new environment. The new approch to fisheries management has resulted in an arormous expansion in tile demand for scientific information. These are no longer limited to biological concerns. Emphasis has been focused recently on the need to understand the economic, social, politics and philosophy characteristics of a fishing and how they will be affected by management decisions. The horizontal management and portfolio management for fisheries has increased interest in complex biological models and the coupling of these models with economic, politics and phyisophy components. Successful completion of this task will require and expanded understanding of oceanographic, biological, economic, social, politics and philosophic process associated with fisheries. Particular attention should be devoted to acquiring information an data processing for Korean trawl fishery, stock assessment in the areas. The need for international collaboration in management must be stressed. Some northeast Pacific and eastern Bering Sea fish stock migrate over long distances and political boundaries. Further, nearly all the fish stocks are harvested by several nations. The features require cooperation and coordination of research activities. The horizontal management will be made a way these activities for the around countries in the sea. Strongly, tile proposed again, Pacific International Council for Exploration of the Seas, PICES will interest between all users of the area's fisheries.
