인망그물의 부양깃판에 관하여

A Study on Floating Collar of Dragged Gears

  • 발행 : 1986.03.01


In order to improve the net-mouth height of dragged gears, the authors devised models of floatingcollars of nylon cloth instead of floats and experimented with 4 types-A type (length 65em, breadth 3em), B type (length 65em, breadth 4em), C type (length 65em, breadth 5em) and D type (length 65 em, breadth 6em) attached respectively to the front edge of square of a model net after preliminary experimentation. These various types of floating collars were experimented in a circulating water channel to evaluate the characteristics of net-mouth height and hydrodynamic resistance and the effect of the length of bridles were also examined. The results obtained were as follows: 1. In case of attaching floats, the model net-mouth height reduced from 80 em to 20 em when current velocity was increased from 0.25m/see to 1m/sec. 2. In case of attaching floating collars, the model net-mouth heights were maintained 70 em, 71 em, 80 em, 78 em in maximum and 55 em, 63 em, 69 em, 73 em in minimum respectively even the current volocity was increased from 0.25 m/see to 1 m/see. 3. The model net-mouth height was reduced to 10 em maximum according to the current velocity and types of floating collars when the bridles were shortened 3~4 mm in length. 4. Hydrodynamic resistance of D type only was increased to 700 g in maximum and those of A, B, C type were reduced to 460 g in maximum at current velocity beyond 0.5 m/ see when bridles were shortened 3-4 mm in length. 5. But the model net-mouth heights became higher in accordance with breadth of floating coliars, B type was the best for this model net in case that hydrodynamic resistance was taken into account.
