도시 대기중 수은 농도

Mercury Concentration in Urban Ambient Air

  • 발행 : 1986.12.01


Atmospheric mercury was collected by gold amalgamation method and analyzed by cold flameless atomic absorption spectrometry. The distribution of atmospheric mercury was investigated at seven location (rural I, II, industrial I, II, University and the center of urban) The amount of atmospheric mercury collected at the rural area I (Mt. Seolack) ranged from 0.7 to 1.8ng/$m^3$, and mean value was 1.2ng/$m^3$ (n=4), at the rural area II (Buyeo) ranged from 0.8 to 5.1 ng/$m^3$, and mean value was 2.0ng/$m^3$ (n=8), at the area of the center of urban (Jong-ro 3 Ga, Seoul) ranged from 22.7 to 43.1ng/$m^3$, and mean value was 35.1ng/$m^3$ (n=12), at tae residential area I (Galak Dong, Seoul) ranged from 2.2 to 5.1ng/$m^3$, and mean value was 3. 5 ng/$m^3$ (n=6) at the Chung-Ang University (Heukseok Dong, Seoul) ranged from 2.2 to 176.2 ng/$m^3$, mean value was 36.8 ng/$m^3$ and median value was 16.0 ng/$m^3$ (n=188), at the residential area II (Goowal Dong, Inchon) ranged from 6.4 to 20.7 ng/$m^3$, and mean value was 13.1 ng/$m^3$ (n=10), and at the industrial area (Songhyun Dong, Inchon) ranged from 13.9 to 88.3 ng/$m^3$, and mean value was 38.9 ng/$m^3$ (n=12). The behavior of atmospheric mercury concentration at Chung-Ang University showed high in day time and summer, but low in night-time and winter.



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  15. 全國公害硏究誌 v.7 金アマルガウ法にする大氣中の水銀測定 松本光弘;市川博;市村國俊;上田榮次;板野龍光
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  27. PPM v.7 環境に關する水銀分析とその檢計 中川良三
  28. Science v.177 Mercury vapor concentrations inside Buildings Foote,R.S.
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