Fletcher-Suit-Delclos Cesium Applicator를 이용한 자궁경부암의 방사선치료

Radiotherapy of Uterine Cervical Cancer Using Fletcher-Suit-Delclos Cesium Applicator

  • 손승창 (인제의과대학 서울백병원 치료방사선과) ;
  • 윤종철 (인제의과대학 서울백병원 치료방사선과) ;
  • 서현숙 (인제의과대학 서울백병원 치료방사선과)
  • Sohn, Seung-Chang (Department of Therapeutic Radiology, Inje Medical College, Seoul Paik Hospital) ;
  • Yoon, Jong-Chul (Department of Therapeutic Radiology, Inje Medical College, Seoul Paik Hospital) ;
  • Suh, Hyun-Suk (Department of Therapeutic Radiology, Inje Medical College, Seoul Paik Hospital)
  • 발행 : 1986.12.01


1983년 11월부터 1986년 2월까지 Fletcher-Suit-Delclos applicator를 이용하여 강내치료와 외부방사선치료를 완치목적으로 받은 자궁경부암환자 35국을 대상으로 소급하여 치료결과를 분석하였다. 환자의 나이는 32세에서 70세까지의 분포를 보였고 평균 나이는 53세이었다. 모든 환자에서 추적조사가 가능하였다. 추적조사 기간은 9개월에서 34개월이었고 평균 추적조사 기간은 20개월이었다. 병기별로 보면 1기가 4명, 2기가 25명, 3기가 5명, 그리고 4기가 1명이었다. 전반적인 관해율은 $80\%$이었고 2년 생존율은 $88\%$이었다. 방사선치료 후에 발생하는 합병증 중 특히 직장내 합병증을 분석한 바 최대직장조사량이 7000rad이하군에선 한명도 없었고 7000rad이상 조사받은 군에서는 17명중 2명에서 중간정도의 직장내 합병증이 나타났다.

From Nov. 1983 through Feb. 1986, 35 patients of uterine cervical cancer were treated by external radiation therapy and intracavitary radiation therapy using Fletcher-Suit-Delclos applicator. Age of the patients ranged from 32 to 70 years (median age: 53 years). All patients had follow up from 9 to 34 months and median follow up of 20 months.4 patients were in stage I, 25 were in stage II, 5 were in stage III and 1 was in stage IV. Overall regression rate was $80\%$ and uncorrected actuarial 2 year survival rate was $88\%$. The incindence of rectal complications were analyzed. There was no rectal complication in the patients who received less than 7000 rad maximal rectal dose, but 2 out of 17 patients who received more than 7000 rad developed moderate degree (grade 2) of rectal complication. In viewing of our results, Fletcher-Suit-Delclos applicator (3M) seemed to be an appropriate instrument for intracaviary radiation therapy in the patients of uterine cervical cancer.
