계명대학교 박물관 보존과학실 소개

Conservation Laboratory of Keimyung University Museum

  • 김병주 (계명대 박물관 보존과학실)
  • 발행 : 1985.12.15


Conservation laboratory was attached to Keimyung University Museum inMarch 1980 and ever since it has been devoted mainly to the processing andconservation of metal objects. A number of objects have been processed inthis laboratory during the period, including those already in the collection ofthe Museum, those which were discovered during the three major excavationsof Kaya tombs conducted by the Museum, and those processed on commissionfrom other museums in the country,The activities of this laboratory include: (1) conserving the objects againstfurther erosion; (2) raising the archaeological value of the objects by revealingthe structure of such parts of the objects as concealed under rust; and (3)recovering the original shape of damaged objects.The methods adopted by the laboratory include: (1) removing from theobjects the ionized chlorine which usually are the major cause of erosion; (2)strengthening the objects by soaking them in acrylic resins; and (3) applyingresins to the surface of the objects to protect them from further erosion.Chemicals much employed by the laboratory includes the acrylic resin(Ruschot; developed jointly by the Cultural Property Research Institute ofKorea and Samwha Paint Company), the sodium sesquicarbonate, the sodiumhydroxide, the lithium hydroxide, and the benzotriazole.Major apparatus in the laboratory includes the vacuum immersion tank, theairbrasive, the ultrasonic cleaner, the pH-ion meter, the water bath, the zoomstereo microscope, the drying oven, and the drill.
