Supported by : 서울대학교병원
To compare calcium hydroxide with Vitapex paste in the effect of apical closure, apexification was done with two medicaments in the nine teeth of seven patients visiting at SNUDH, and then, after radiographic and clinical observation of at least six months, the author concluded the followings: 1. The significant differences between calcium hydroxide and Vitapex paste were not observed in the effect of apical closure. 2. In calcium hydroxide group, the resorption of the paste within the canal was not observed, but in Vitapex group, observed. 3. In both calcium hydroxide group and Vitapex group, the progressive healing of apical lesion was observed. 4. The progressive resorption of Vitapex paste out of the apical foramen was observed.
Supported by : 서울대학교병원