Thermodynamic Properties of the Polymer Solutions

  • Lee, Woong-Ki (Department of Chemistry, College of Natural Science, Seoul National University) ;
  • Pak, Hyung- Suk (Department of Chemistry, College of Natural Science, Seoul National University)
  • 발행 : 1985.12.20


A statistical mechanical approach to elucidate the solvent effects on the high polymer solutions has been carried out on the basis of the simple model of liquids improved by Pak. In our works, the partition function of the polymer solutions is formulated by the lattice model and our simple treatment of liquid structures. For the ideal polymer solutions proposed by Flory, thermodynamic functions of the polymer solutions are obtained and equations of mixing properties and partial molar quantities are derived from the presented partition function of the polymer solutions. Partial molar quantities are calculated for the rubber solutions in carbon disulfide, benzene and carbon tetrachloride. Comparisons have been made between our equations and those of Flory's original paper for partial molar properties of the rubber-benzene system. Comparing the experimental data of the osmotic pressure of polystyrene-cyclohexane system with our calculated values and those of Flory's, our values fit to the agreeable degrees better than those of Flory's.



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