두부의 생산량 및 수응력에 미치는 지방의 영향

Effect of Fat on the Yield and Acceptability of Soybean Curd

  • 윤영미 (연세대학교 식생활학과) ;
  • 손경희 (연세대학교 식생활학과)
  • 발행 : 1985.12.01


This study was conducted to investigate the effect of fat on gain percent, yield and sensory properties of soybean curd by partial or whole replacement of soybean with defatted soy flour, The results obtained were as follows ; 1. Gain percent and yield of soybean curds were decreased as the fat content of materials decreased. 2. In sensory evaluation, the mean scores for appearance (color and smoothness), texture and acceptability significantly decreased as the ratio of defatted soy flour to soybean increased. However, when the defatted soy flour replaced 20 and 30% of the soybean, the mean acceptability scores did not differ significantly with whole soybean curd. From the above data, if defatted soy flour will be used for making soybean curds with the aspect of sensory and economic reasons, 25% level of replacement can be recommended.
