A Study on the Digial Circuits of the C. C. I. T. T. No. 5 Signal Senders

C. C. I. T. T. No. 5 Signal Sender의 Digital 回路化에 關한 硏究

  • 朴圭泰 ( ) ;
  • 成兌慶
  • Published : 1985.02.01


A C. C. I. T. T. (Comitee Consultatif International T l graphique et T l phoique) No. 5 signal sender is designed and made by employing the digital circuits. The digital circuits of control part and the sender are designed. The state transit diagram is constructed and the truth tables for the sequential circuits are formed. Master-slave J-K flip- flops, 74 series ICs and diodes are used for the circuits. The experimental results show a good agreement with theories and show stable performances compared to the conventional relay circuits. The digital signal sender is in actual use at the International Telegraph Station in Korea.

C. C. I. T. T. No. 5 信號方式은 國際電話의 半自動 및 全自動方式에 共 히 適用되는 信號方式으로서 1964年 C. C. I. T. T. 제네바總에서 채택되어 우리 나라에서도 1968年 5月 23日 韓日間 國際半自動化가 開通된 이래 1975年 12月 現 在 美國, 日本, 西獨, 中國, 싱가폴 等과 直接 半自動電話回線을 保有하고 있으며 이들 國家를 경유하면 극히 一部를 除外한 全世界를 直接 다이얼링할 수 있게 되 었다.
