Family Consumption-Saving and Work-Leisure Behavior As the Correlates and Determinants of Fertility in Korea

가계 소비.저축 및 근로.여가 형태와 출산율간의 인과관계분석

  • 노공균 (한국과학기술원) ;
  • 조남훈 (한국인구보건연구원 가족계획연구실장)
  • Published : 1985.12.01


There have been numerous studies in Korea and other countries of which the major hypotheses are identifying and dearibing the conditions under which the value of children has been formed. The present study proposes to view the formation of the value of children as a correlate of family's consumption-saving and work4eisure behavior pattern. The objectives of the proposed study are to identify the socio-economic and demographic factors determining the family's consumption-saving and work-leisure behavior pattern and to analyse the relationship between the value of children and this behavior pattern. The conceptual framwork of the analysis is that an individual family's socio-economic and demographic factors influence and shape the consumption-saving and work-leisure behaviors and these behaviors in turn influence and reflect the correlates and proximate determinants of the family'sfertility. In this paper, regression model is used to analyse the hypothesized relationship among the various variables. The regression methods used are first and second stage multiple regressions. In addition, MONOVA has been used to show the interactions. Data used are collected from the government publicactions. The major findings from this study are as follows: As the living Standard improves, n individual family's consumption of necessities and its working hours decline, while savings and leisure activities increase. The phenomena result in the fertility reduction as can be seen in the more developed conntries. Child-bearing and rearing activities are found to be the important component to determine the condumption-saving and work-leisure activies. The married women's labor participation, and the investment in education and health are also found to be the factors reducing fertility rate.
