흑연에 황산을 Intercalation 시킬때의 Mechanism 규명 (I. 전기적 산화방법에 의한 Graphite Salts의 중간상에 관한 연구)

Mechanism of Intercalation Compounds in Graphite with Hydrogen Sulfate (I. Study of Intermediate Phase between 2 Stage and 1 Stage in Graphite Hydrogen Sulfate with Anodic Oxidation)

  • 발행 : 1985.06.01


Graphite has been oxidized to graphite hydrogen sulfate in concentrated $H_2SO_4$. Anodic oxidation and chemical oxidation of graphite in $H_2SO_4$ generally leads to the formation of intercalation compounds of the ionic salt type through incorporation of $H_2SO_4^-$ions and $H_2SO_4$ molecules into the graphite. Several other reactions also accur at various points of the charging cycle. But there is no satisfactory kinetics and mechanism of intercalationin graphite. We have studied them with anodic oxidation and chemical oxidation. We found six distinct phenomena between 2nd stage and 1st stage in chemical oxidation. We examined them in detail by the following in the measurements electrical oxidation. X-ray diffractions UV-Vis spectroscopy density measurements. We could obtained a equation for kinetic according to the reaction rate from this results and mechanism of intercalation between 2nd stage and 1st stage with hydrogen sulfate in graphite. Three thesis were written for the mechanism of intercalation compounds in graphite with hydrogen sulfate ; first thesis is anodic oxidation second thesis is chemical oxidation and definition of transit phase between 2nd etc the third thesis is the kinetic mechanism of intercalation compounds in graphite with Hydrogen sulfate. This thesis is the first paper among three thesis as anodic oxidation.



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