- Clay Mineralogy Grim, R.E
- Organic Geochemistry Organic derivatives of Clay minerals zeolites and related minerals. In Weiss, A.;G. Englington(Ed.);M.T.J. Murphy(Ed.)
- Clay Colloid Chemstry(2nd Ed.) H. Van Olphen
- Kor. J. Ch. E. v.1 no.2 Characterization of 2.1 type Layered aluminosilicate via intercalation reaction K.W. Hyung(et al.)
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Interealation of Ca-montmorillonite with decylammonium ion and
$_R-alcanol$ J.H. Choy - J. Geol. Soc. Kor v.19 Mineralogical and chemical characterization of bentonites from tertiary tuffaceous sediments in the Donghae bentonite mine J.H. Noh(et al.)
- Proc. Coll. Natur. Sci. v.9 Bestimmunge der Schichtladung quellupgsfahiger glimmerartiger Schichtsiheate J.H. Choy(et al.)
- Kor. J. Envi. Agr. v.3 A study on the development & application of slow releasing fertilizer using Korean natrual clay mineral, I Characterization of Korean natural clay J.C. Park(et al.)
- Proc. Intern. Clay Conf. Determination of the layer charge in mlca type layer silicate Lagaly G.;Welss A.
- Clay Minerals Problems in layer charge determination of montmorillonites Lagaly G.;Gomzalez M.F.;Weiss A.
- Clay Minerals v.16 Characterization of clays by organic compounds Lagaly G.
- Clays and Clay Minerals v.27 The layer charge of regular interstratified 2:1 clay mincrals Lagaly G
- Trans. Brit. Cer. Soc v.54 Dehydyation characteristics of the clay minerals. In: Kinetics of the thermal dehydration of the clays Murray P.;Whtte J.
- Clay Colloid Chemistry(2nd Edition.) Van Olphen
- Diffelential Thermal Analysis Springer-Verlag Werner, S.K
- Proc. Intern. Clay. Conf Differential Thermal aanalysis curves of mica clay minerals Sudo T.(et al.)
- Atlas of Infrared Spectroscopy of Clay Minerals and their Admixtures Beutlspacher H.