海安 鹽濕地 植生의 純生産性 推定法의 比較

Comparison of Estimation Methods for Primary Net Production at Herbaceous Coastal Marsh Vegetation

  • 발행 : 1985.06.01


Aboveground net productions of four stands in the coastal salt marsh of Incheon were estimated with three different methods: first method was to measure peak live standing crop; second to measure both live and dead standing crops; thrid to measure live and dead standing crops and dead disappearance as well. Net productions estimated by the first method were lowest with a difference of 28~50% from those by the third method. Whereas estimates by the second method approximated considerably to those by the third method with a difference of 4~15%. The third method figured out the highest values and seemed to be most appropriate in estimating net production of herbaceous community. Form these results it is known that live standing crop, dead standing crop and dead disappearance respectively accounted for about 60, 30, 10% of net production estimated by the third method. Annual net productions estimated by the third method for Suaeda japonica-Salicornia herbacea, Artemisia scoparia-Limonium tetragonum, Calamagrostis epigeios, and Sonchus brachyotus-Setaria viridis stand were 650, 1, 080, 1, 409 and 1, 126 g.$m^{-2}.yr^{-1}$, respectively.
