Chronic Traumatic Aortic Aneurysm A Report of One Case

만성 외상성 대동맥류 1례 보고

  • Published : 1985.09.01


Rupture of the aorta following blunt trauma of the thorax may occur more frequently than has generally been recognized. Actual complete transection of the aorta usually results in immediate death but varying degrees of lesser disruption permit increased chance of survival. Chronic traumatic aneurysms are so designated following a period of 3 months from the traumatic incident. The exact time required for the acute process and hematoma to convert into an aneurysm is unknown. Because a thoracic surgeon encounters so few of these aneurysms, it is difficult for him to arrive at sound dicta of management from his personal experience. It is not surprising that controversy exists concerning the therapeutic approach to the aneurysm which is asymptomatic and is discovered months or years after the causative injury. In the hope of improving the surgical treatment of patients with this condition, we reported one case with chronic traumatic aneurysm of the descending thoracic aorta.
