폐결핵 잔류병변에 대한 폐늑막 절제술 100례

Resection of Pulmonary Tuberculosis An Analysis of 100 Cases

  • 발행 : 1985.03.01


During the period of seven years from Jan. 1976 to Jan. 1983, one hundred cases of pulmonary tuberculous residual lesions were resected at the Department of Thoracic Surgery, Paik Hospital in Seoul, Korea. During the period of this study, 1764 patients were admitted with the diagnosis of pulmonary and/or pleural tuberculosis in the medical and surgical department as a primary or associated conditions. Among these 1764 patients, one hundred selective cases were operated. The results were as follows; l. Extents of the disease by the predominant clinical pictures were: totally destroyed lung; 18, destroyed lobe; 6, cavitary lesion with or without positive sputum; 35, bronchiectasis; 7, bronchostenosis with atelectasis; 2, empyema with or without BPF; 20, pleural thickening; 4, tuberculoma; 3, bullous cyst with tuberculosis; 5 cases, or per cent [Table 1]. 2. Male and female ratio was 1.2:1 or 55 and 45 per cent. Age distribution ranged 15 and 55 with average of 33 years [Table 2]. 3. Type of procedures were: pleuropneumonectomy; 15, pneumonectomy; 25, lobectomy; 37, bilobectomy; 6, lobectomy plus segmentectomy; 3, pleurectomy; 14 cases, or percent, Site of resections were: right; 58 and left; 42 cases, or per cent [Table 3]. 4. Incidence of complications were 10 per cent and the mortality was 4 per cent. The causes of morbidity were analyzed. The main causes of death were pulmonary insufficiency; 2, cardiac arrhythmia; 1, and hepatic insufficiency; 1 case or per cent [Table 4]. 5. Pathologic examinations of the resected pulmonary and pleuropulmonary lesions were observed by gross specimen, correlating with the pre-operative indications of the disease [Fig. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6].>br> 6. Anti-tuberculous chemotherapy was done for 6 to 18 months, post-operatively, in 80 patients. Of these 49 cases were need medication for 12 months [Table 5]. Except the four operative mortality and a case of post-operative recurrent buberculosis under medication, all the other 95 cases are well in activity and free from the disease at the moment.
