한우종모우의 번식능력에 관한 연구 II. 2재종모우의 정액채취빈도가 정액성장 및 성적활동에 미치는 영향

Studies on Reproductive Capacity of Korean Native Bulls II. Effect of collection Frequency on Semen Characteristics and Sexual Activity in 2-Year-Old Bulls

  • 발행 : 1985.06.01


Eight 2-yr old bulls from Artificial Breeding Center, NLCF were used to determine the effectof collection frequency on semen characteristics and sexual activity. Two successive ejaculates per day were collected by artificial vagina for 4 weeks on weekly or twice a week. Total ejaculate volume included 2nd ejaculates for one time and two time bulls was 6.8ml and 6.0ml, but there was no significant difference between collection intervals. Sperm concentration of one time and two time bulls averaged 0.79$\times$109/ml and 0.89$\times$109/ml, respectively. Total sperm per ejaculate was 5.14$\times$109 for one time bulls and 5.45$\times$10 for two time bulls. Two time bulls had slight more sperm per ml and ejaculate than one time bulls, but there were no significant differences between two group bulls. Sperm motility and semen pH of two time bulls was slightly better than that of one time bulls. In changes of bulk minerals in semen, solium concentration of two time bulls was similar to that of one time bulls. Potassium and calcium was more concentrated in one time bulls than in two time bulls, but these concentrations did not differ significantly. Libido score for two time bulls was higher than that for one time bulls. However, there was no difference between two groups and these scores did not change for 4 weeks in two goups. Total time to 2nd ejaculation was 16.3 sec for one time bulls and 20.5 sec for two time bulls.
