PASTR을 이용한 인공췌장의 연구

An Artificial Pancreas Using the Pole Assignment Self-Tuning Algorithm

  • 발행 : 1985.07.01


A new method for the artificial beta cell which can be used to control the hyperglycemia in diabetic patients was represented. The relationship between the insulin infusion rate and the blood glucose concentration was described by the second order ARMA model, and the time varying parameters were identified by exponentially weighted least squares estimator. The design of controller was based on the pole assignment self tuning altorithm with discrete blood sampling and the constraints of input and output responsse rate were considered. The results of animal experiments show that this method may be a fruitful approach for regulating the blood glucose level. We expect that this device can be used as both therapeutic and research tools providing that its stability and reliability are improved a little more.
