A study on the behavior of fatigue crack propagation near the holes or inclusions

구멍 또는 내재물 가까이에서의 피로 Crack 전파거동에 관한 연구

  • Published : 1985.05.01


Fatigue lives of C.T. specimens containing the holes or the holes filled with other materials are investiated by experimental and analytical methods. The results of the study are as follows; 1) The fatigue lives are in the order of E'/E > 1, E'/E = 1, and E'/E < 1, where E' is the Young's modulus of other materials filling holes and E is that of matrix. 2) The fatigue life of E'/E = 0 is shortest than thost of E'/E > 1, E'/E = 1 and E'/E < 1. 3) The fatigue life of C.T. specimen containing the holes filled with other materials is shorter than that of matrix without holes. 4) Because of the stress concentration around the bonding boundary, crack initiates from the lower left on the boundary and propagates toward the upper right along the boundary.
