Ecological Studies on Rice Sheath Blight Caused by Rhizoctonia solani III. Cultural Method and Disease Development

벼잎집무늬마름병(病)의 생태학적연구(生態學的硏究) III. 경종적방법(耕種的方法)과 발병(發病)

  • Kim, Chang-Kyu (Dept. of Plant Pathology, Institute of Agricultural Sciences) ;
  • Ra, Dong-Soo (Dept. of Plant Pathology, Institute of Agricultural Sciences) ;
  • Min, Hong-Sik (Dept. of Plant Pathology, Institute of Agricultural Sciences)
  • 김장규 (농업기술연구소 병리과) ;
  • 나동수 (농업기술연구소 병리과) ;
  • 민홍식 (농업기술연구소 병리과)
  • Published : 1985.04.30


Transplanting date, planting space and nitrogen level were evaluated for disease development of rice sheath blight using two rice cultivars, Jinheung and Yushin. Sheath blight disease was more severe in early transplanting plot (May 16), narrow planting space($27{\times}12cm$) and high nitrogen level (220kg/ha for Jinheung and 300kg/ha for Yushin) conditions than in May 26 transplanting plot, wide planting space ($27{\times}15cm$) and standard nitrogen level (110kg/ha and l50kg/ha). At the same time, cultural conditions favorable for disease development during growth stage resulted in greater damage at maturing stage.

진흥(振興)과 유신(維新)을 공시(供試)하여 이앙시기(移秧時期), 재식밀도(栽植密度), 질소시비(窒素施肥) 수준(水準)과 벼잎집무늬마름병(病) 발생(發生)과의 관계(關係)를 검토(檢討) 하였다. 잎집무늬마름병(病) 발생(發生)은 5월(月) 26일(日) 이앙구(移秧區)보다 5월(月) 16일(日) 이앙구(移秧區)에서, $3.3m^2$ 당 100주(株) 재식구(栽植區)가 80주(株) 재식구(栽植區)보다 , 질소질배비구(室素質倍肥區)(진흥(振興) 220kg/ha, 유신(維新) 300kg/ha) 가 보비구(普肥區)에서보다 발병(發病)이 심(甚)하였다. 또한 생육기간중(生育期間中) 발병(發病)이 심(甚)했던 재배조건(栽培條件)에서 성숙기(成熟期)의 피해도(被害度)가 높았다.
