Journal of Radiation Protection and Research
- Volume 10 Issue 2
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- Pages.130-136
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- 1985
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- 2508-1888(pISSN)
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- 2466-2461(eISSN)
International Comparison of Absolute Activity Measurement of $^{133}Ba$ Solution
$^{133}Ba$ 용액의 방사능 절대측정의 국제비교
- Park, Tae-Soon (Radiation Standards Laboratory, Korea Standards Research Institute) ;
- Oh, Pil-Jae (Radiation Standards Laboratory, Korea Standards Research Institute) ;
- Hwang, Sun-Tae (Radiation Standards Laboratory, Korea Standards Research Institute)
- Published : 1985.12.20
The activity measurement of a solution of
전자포획 핵종인