인삼근부병 억제토양 및 유발토양의 근권환경 비교

Comparison of Rhizosphere Environments in Soils Suppressive and Conducive to Ginseng Root Rot

  • 정영윤 (한국인삼연초연구소 증평지장) ;
  • 김홍진 (한국인삼연초연구소 증평지장) ;
  • 오승환 (한국인삼연초연구소 경작시험장) ;
  • 박규진 (한국인삼연초연구소 증평지장)
  • Chung Young Ryun (Jeung Pyung Experiment Station, Korea Ginseng & Tobacco Res. Inst. Jung Pyung) ;
  • Kim Hong Jin (Jeung Pyung Experiment Station, Korea Ginseng & Tobacco Res. Inst. Jung Pyung) ;
  • Ohh Seung Hwan (Agronomy Research Center, Korea Ginseng & Tobacco Res. Inst.) ;
  • Park Kyu Jin (Jeung Pyung Experiment Station, Korea Ginseng & Tobacco Res. Inst. Jung Pyung)
  • 발행 : 1984.09.01


인삼 근부병 억제토양 및 유발토양의 추출액 배지에서 병원균인 Fusarium solani, Rhizoctonia solani, Phytophthora cactorum, Sclerotinia sp.의 균계생장과 여기에 영향을 미지는 두 토양의 근권환경을 비교하였다. 4병원균 모두 추출액을 열처리하지 않았을 때 유발토양보다 억제토양 추출액 배지에서 생장이 더 억제되였고, $100^{\circ}C$로 처리 하였을 때는 F. solani와 Sclerotinia sp.는 두 토양간에 차이가 없었으나 R. solani와 P. cactorum은 유발토양에서 균사생장이 더 좋았다. 또 억제토양 추출액의 열처리 온도를 높힐수록 모든 병원균의 생장이 증가되었다. 두 토양의 근권미생물 밀도는 Fusariumtn는 유의차가 없었으나 전세균, 진균은 모두 억제토양에 밀도가 더 높았으며 이 미생물들에 대한 Fusarium밀도의 비율도 억제토양이 더 높았다. 점토함량은 액제토양이, 모래함량은 유발토양이 각각 더 높았고, 화학성분중 Mg, Na 함량은 유발 토양이 더 많았으며 Ca, Fe, $P_2O_5$도 유의성은 없었으나 억제토양 보다 높은 경향이었다.

Soils suppressive and conducive to ginseng root rot were studied by examining the mycelial growth of Fusarium solani, Phytophthora cactorum, and Sclerotinia sp. on extracts of each type soil. Rhizosphere environments of the two soils were also compared. Mycelial growth of all root rot fungi used was more severely restrained on the suppressive soil extract agar than that of conducive one. However, when heated at 100C for 30 minutes, mycelial growth of F. solani and Sclerotinia sp. was not affected, regardless of type soil used, whereas R. solani and P. cactorum grew better on conducive soil extract. Mycelial growth of all fungi used was stimulated as the treated temperature became higher. No significant differences between the two types of the soil were found in propagules of F. solani. The numbers of total fungi and total bacteria and the ratioes of total fungi to Fusarium and total bacteria to Fusarium were higher in the suppressive soils than in the conducive ones. Higher amount of clay existed in the suppressive soils, Mg and Na contents were lower in those soils than the conducive ones.
