EPMA의 지질학(地質學)에의 응용(應用)

The Application of Electron Microprobe Analysis in Geological Science

  • 발행 : 1984.08.31


The newly discovered minerals found during 30 years have been discovered with election microprobe analysis, and several other new minerals have been described largely on the basis of probe analysis. Widely used types of instrument are the wavelength dispersive spectrometer (WDS) and the energy dispersive Spectrometer (EDS), with emitted X-ray dispersed by a curved crystal that is arranged to satisfy the Bragg equation ($n{\lambda}=2dsin{\theta}$). Atomic Nos of Z 4 to 92 can be analyzed quantitatively if they present in amount exceeding 50~100ppm. The application of the microprobe in mineralogical and geological research is quantitative chemical analysis of grains as small as a few microns in diameter, individual grains in a rock or can be analyzed in thin section and polished section, analysis can be made comparatively short time, methods in non-destructure, to photographical and crystallographical information. This paper was written in order to document data evaluation procedure for quantitative energy dispersive election probe analysis.
