Mangrove Oyster의 형태 비교

Comparative Morphological Characteristics of Mangrove Oysters

  • 유성규 (부산수산대학 양식학과) ;
  • 유호영 (부산수산대학 양식학과)
  • YOO Sung Kyoo (Department of Aquaculture, National Fisheries University of Pusan) ;
  • RYU Ho Young (Department of Aquaculture, National Fisheries University of Pusan)
  • 발행 : 1984.07.01


열대수역에 서식하는 3종류의 Mangrove 굴을 대상으로 하여 각각의 형태적 특성을 비교하였다. Venezuella산인 Crassostrea rhizophorae는 가장 둥근형태이며 각내용적(殼內容積)이 가장 컸다. 비만도도 가장 높아 $9.63\%$였다. Liberia산인 Crassostrea tulipa는 외형에서 가장 길죽한 형태이며 각내용적은 크지만 비만상태는 $8.15\%$로 중간이었다. Indonesia산인 Crassostrea belcheri는 Venezuella산과 갈이 둥근 형태이며, 전체 무게와 껍데기 무게는 가장 컸지만 비만도는 가장 낮아 $6.62\%$였다.

Three kinds of mangrove oysters, species of high commercial value in tropical regions, were collected in Cocineta Bay, Venezuella in 1976, at the mouth of Hoffman River, Liberia in 1978 and at the West Coast of Benzina, Indonesia in 1984. Crassostrea rhizophorae from Venezuella showed the most round shell form and greatest shell capacity. In addition, the fatness condition of $9.63\%$ topped the ether two species. Crassostrea tulipa inhabiting Liberia had the most elongated shell form. Although shell capacity of this species was almost similar to Crassostrea rhizophorae, it took up intermediate position in fatness condition with $8.15\%$. Crassostrea beleheri from Indonesia. just as rounded as C, rhizophorae, showed the biggest values in total weight and shell weight but the least fatness with $6.62\%$.
