Korean Journal of Soil Science and Fertilizer (한국토양비료학회지)
- Volume 17 Issue 3
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- Pages.258-264
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- 1984
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- 0367-6315(pISSN)
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- 2288-2162(eISSN)
Effect of Lime Application on Growth and Cd Uptake of Paddy Rice
석회(石灰) 시용(施用)이 수도(水稻)의 Cadmium 흡수(吸收) 및 생육(生育)에 미치는 영향(影響)
- Lee, Min-Hyo (Institutes of Agricultural Sciences, ORD) ;
- Kim, Kyu-Sik (Institutes of Agricultural Sciences, ORD) ;
- Kim, Bok-Young (Institutes of Agricultural Sciences, ORD) ;
- Han, Ki-Hak (Institutes of Agricultural Sciences, ORD)
- Published : 1984.09.25
Pot and field experiments were conducted to find out the effects of lime application on growth and Cd uptake of paddy rice in Cd added and contaminated soils. Lime application to soil-applied Cd could reduce Cd content in brown rice as well as increasing rice yields compared to that of no lime. The optimum requirement of lime to maintain Cd content in brown rice below 0.4 ppm (precaution concentration) were 56,381 and 512kg/10a at 3, 6 and 12 ppm of Cd in soil by pot experiment and 142.7 and 623.9kg/10a at 1.5 and 5.4 ppm of Cd in soil by field trial, respectively. The recommendable soil pH before transplanting to keep the Cd content in brown rice below 0.4 ppm were 5.2, 7.2 and 7.5 at 3, 6 and 12 ppm of Cd in soil, respectively.
카드뮴오염지(汚染地)에서 석회시용(石灰施用)에 의(依)한 수도(水稻)의 카드뮴흡수(吸收) 경감효과(輕減效果)를 구명(究明)코자 pot 시험(試驗)과 포장시험(圃場試驗)을 실시(實施)한 결과(結果)는 다음과 같다. (1) 토양(土壤)에 카드뮴첨가량(添加量)을 증가(增加)함에 따라 현미중(玄米中) 카드뮴함량(含量)이 증가(增加)하였으며 석회(石灰)의 증시(增施)로 현미중(玄米中) 카드뮴함량(含量)이 현저히 감소(減少)되었다. (2) 현미중(玄米中) 카드뮴함량(含量)이 0.4ppm 이하(以下)로 감소(減少)되는 석회(石灰)의 시용량(施用量)은