Rationale of the Maximum Entropy Probability Density

  • Park, B. S. (Department of Applied Statistics, Yonsei University, Seoul 120)
  • 발행 : 1984.12.01


It ${X_t}$ is a sequence of independent identically distributed normal random variables, then the conditional probability density of $X_1, X_2, \cdots, X_n$ given the first p+1 sample autocovariances converges to the maximum entropy probability density satisfying the corresponding covariance constraints as the length of the sample sequence tends to infinity. This establishes that the maximum entropy probability density and the associated Gaussian autoregressive process arise naturally as the answers of conditional limit problems.



  1. Astronomy Astrophysics: Supplement Series;Reprinted in Modern Spectrum Analysis v.15 Maximum Entropy Spectral Analysis Ables,J.G.;D.G.Childers(ed.)
  2. An Introduction to Multivariate Statistical Analysis Anderson,T.W.
  3. The Statistical Analysis of Time Series Anderson,T.W.
  4. The Annals of Mathematical Statistics. v.21 The Asymptotic Properties of Estimates of the Parameters of a Single Equation in a Complete System of Stochastic Equations Anderson,T.W;H.Rubin
  5. Progress in Statistics: Colloquia Mathematica Societatis Janos Bolyai v.9-1 On a Conditional Limit Theorem Bartfai,P.
  6. Time Series Analysis: Forecasting and Control Box,G.;G.Jenkins
  7. Journal of the American Statistical Association. v.65 Distributions of Residual Autocorrelations in Autoregressive Intergrated Moving Average Time Series Models Box,G.;D.Pierce
  8. Proceedings of the 37th Meeting of the Society of Exploration Geophysicists;Reprinted in Modern Spectrum Analysis Maximum Entropy Spectral Analysis Burg,J.P.;D.G.Childers(ed.)
  9. NATO Advanced Study Institute Signal Processing with Emphasis on Underwater Acoustics;Reprinted in Modern Spectrum Analysis A New Analysis Technique for Time Series Data Burg,J.P.;D.G. Childers(ed)
  10. Modern Spectrum Analysis. Childers,D.G.(Ed.)
  11. A Study of Recursive Formulae(Korean edition) Choi,B.S.
  12. Ph. D. Dissertation , Stanford University A Conditional Limit Characterization of the Maximum Entropy Spectral Density in Time Series Analysis Choi,B.S.
  13. Discussion Paper No.831206 A Conditional Limit Construction ot the Normal Probability Density Choi,B.S.
  14. Proceedings of the IEEE v.72 An Information Theoretic Proof of Burg's Maximum Entropy Spectrum Choi,B.S.;T.M.Cover
  15. A Course in Probability Theory(2nd edition) Chung,K.L.
  16. Information Theory: Coding Theorems for Discrete Memoryless Systems Csiszar,I.;J.Korner
  17. The London,Edinburgh and Dublin Philosophical Magazine and Journal of Science(Sixth Series) v.44 On the Partition of Energy Darwin,C.G.;R.H.Fowler
  18. The Thoery of Matrices Gantmacher,F.R.
  19. IEEE Trans. on Information Theory v.IT-26 no.6 A Remark on the Correspondence between the Maximum Entropy Method and the Autogressive Model Grandell,J.;M.Hamrud;P.Toll
  20. Physical Review v.106 no.4 Information Theory and Statistical Mechanics Jaynes,E.T.
  21. Physical Review v.108 no.2 Information Theory and Statistical Mechanics Ⅱ Jaynes,E.T.
  22. Lecture notes issued Probability Theory in Science and Engineering Jaynes,E.T.
  23. IEEE Trans. on Systems Science and Cybernetics v.SSC-4 no.3 Prior Probabilities Jaynes,E.T.
  24. The Maximum Entropy Formalism Where Do We Standon Maximum Entropy? Jaynes,E.T.;R.D.Levine;M.Tribus(ed.)
  25. Proceedings of the IEEE v.70 no.9 On the Rationale of Maximum-Entropy Methods Jaynes,E.T.
  26. Characterization Problems in Mathematical Statistics Kagan,A.M.;Y.V.Linnik;C.R.Rao
  27. IEEE Trans. on Information Theory;Reprinted in Modern Spectrum Analysis v.IT-22 An Empirical Investigation of the Properties of the Autoregressive Spectral Estimator Kaveh,M.;C.R.Cooper;D.G.Childers(ed)
  28. The Annals of Mathematical Statistics v.22 On Information and Sufficiency Kullback,S.;R.A.Leibler
  29. Geophysics v.36 Data Adaptive Spectral Analysis Methods Lacoss,R.T.
  30. Modern Spectrum Analysis D.G.Childers(ed.)
  31. Lecture Notes in Physics no.20 "Entropy and Equilibrium States in Classical Statistical Mechanics",Statistical Mechnics and Mathematical Problems Lanford,D.E.
  32. Biometrika v.65 On the Measure of Lack of Fit in Time Series Models Ljung,G.M.;G.Box
  33. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society v.A110 A Large-Sample Test for the Goodness of Fit of Autogressive Schemes Quenouille,M.H.
  34. IMS and AMS Selected Translations in Mathematical Statistics and Probability v.1 On the Probability of Large Deviations of Random Variables Sanov,I.N.
  35. Conditional Probability Distributions Tjur,T.
  36. IEEE Trans. on Information Theory v.IT-27 no.4 Maximum Entropy and Conditional Probability Van Campenhout,J.M.;T.M.Cover
  37. The Annals of Probability v.8 no.1 A Conditional Law of Large Numbers Vasicek,O.A.
  38. Progress in Stastics : Colloquia Mathematico Societatis Janos Bolyai v.9-II On the Maximum Probability Principle in Statistical Physics Vincze,I.
  39. Ph.D. Dissertation Harvard University A Limit Theorem for Conditional Expectations with Applications to Probability Theory and Statistics Mechanics Zabell,S.L.